Sunday, August 19, 2018

Feminism: an exchange of yokes?

Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women's Studies by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, chapter 8, "Cults, Communes, and Clicks", p. 195
As the us-versus-them opposition is replicated within the original grouping, policing actions get under way. This is a form of behavior that, in addition to allowing some people to be censorious and aggressive toward others, reflects a presumption of rights and wrongs: We are right. You are wrong.

Many feminists have trouble swallowing this. As a political science professor from Texas (who has a bumper sticker on her pickup truck saying FEMINIST REDNECK wrote to us: "I have not thrown off the yoke of one master to have it replaced by another, even if its name is feminism." 

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